Friday, September 28, 2007

I Don't Have Kids So I Must Talk About The Food

Today began my sojourn as a lunch lady. The kitchen in the new school has not exactly been put in yet, but neither has the gym, library or some of the walls and lighting, so I can't really complain. I get to see cute kids on a daily basis which, since I have none of my own to blog about, is a definite plus. In fact sometimes I feel a little jealous. My Molly dog had already taken her first step and was eating solid foods by the time we brought her home, and I doubt I will be telling you about her first word anytime soon. But let's be honest, she sure is cute and cuddly.

This evening Will and I and a couple of friends went out to Greg's Kitchen, the student-run culinary school restaurant. Tonight's theme was Classical French food. Now, I love brioche and the foie gras was delish, but I must say that that was the best pea soup I have ever had in my entire life. No kidding. I'll post the recipe as soon as I get it from a buddy in the class. Meanwhile, should you want to go there yourself, here's where you can find the info:
Mmmmmm..... I love this industry.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not Hungry Anymore

Full Fridge

Now that I have had numerous years' experience in restaurants, a two-year degree in culinary arts that took four years, an internship geared toward helping me become a personal chef, a job as head lunch-lady at an elementary school, and have been responsible for my own meals for three years, I am finally getting the hang of grocery shopping.

Can you believe it?

I looked at sale prices in all our grocery propoganda (which comes in the mail every other day), I made a list of things we are out of, things we need for our next couple of meals, I stopped in on Costco on the way to Albertson's just to make sure the prices were the best, and then- bingo! made my purchases, came home, and put away the groceries. Yay! I saved nearly 25% on my entire purchase and didn't get anything I am not going to use.

Mom would be so proud.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Home Again Home Again Jiggidy Jig

I have now officially been home from California for a week and a half and am starting to feel as if the mess monster that my home was is now somewhat under control. Yippee! And now that the home is getting where it needs to be, it's job huntin' season. Happy trails!