Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week's End

This weekend, Reese learned how to get into the laundry basket all by herself. She already knew how to reach in and pull out folded laundry, but this is a big new step.

This weekend Grandma Faber came to visit. Reese had a great time getting doted on, and Anna and Will loved the help and company.

Aunt Nikenzie came as well. Reese loves that Aunt Kenzie will play with her and walk her around.

Thanks for the fabulous weekend, you guys!

1 comment:

Britt Riggin said...

Hey Kenzi was about Reese's age when I first saw her :) Reese is so big! I miss her so much. I miss you too. I swear we talk about our awesome family nights and tell people stories like at least once a week. That was really great. Loves!