Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sorry about the lack of Thanksgiving information. I was in charge of the dinner this year at my mom's house and it was great- thanks to the help of my wonderful sister, Megan and her hubby, Todd. I didn't get any pictures because I lost my camera before the event, but here are some of my favorite things:

- We combined two tables together to form one huge long table to seat 18 people.
- We had to use two tablecloths- one fall leaves and one plain red. Then we had red plates, blue bowls and white napkins. We had to change out the blue bowls for white ones so the settings looked more Thanksgiving than Independence Day.
-we had orange leaf-shaped place cards that we set in the glasses. It helped the red and white table look a lot more festive.
- We had two turkeys. Todd was in charge of the turkey, but I defrosted a second one by accident, so I ended up cooking a bird, too. It's a good thing we have three ovens between my mom and Megan's houses.
- Half the yams didn't get done, and the other half were only done halfway through dinner. I gave the whole bowl to Shelly because she was emphasising how much she loves yams.
- Reese would have nothing to do with anything except the jell-o.
- Other than the yams, the dinner was a huge success! Thanks to those who helped and those who brought extras!

And here's a video of Will and Reese playing the cover-my-face game, just because I don't have any more pictures.

Oh, PS: I still can't find my camera. Would you keep a look out for it, Mom?

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