Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Moment

Hey, remember this? Well, here's a follow up:

Will: I love you, Reese.
Reese: I Lub you, Daddy.
Will: Do you love Liam?
Reese: No
Will: Do you love Mama?
Reese: No.
Will: Reese, you can love lots of people at the same time. Do you love Gramma?
Reese: No. I lub Kenzie. (thoughtful pause) and I lub Shelly.
Will: Do you love Gramma?
Reese: Yep
Will: Do you love Mama?
Reese: Yep.
(Don't worry, Lauren, I asked her later if she loves you and she replied,"Mm-hmm." That's an affirmative.

If you don't know what this blog entry is about, here's the list. Check it out.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I was worried.... until I saw she loves me too :)