Monday, February 7, 2011

What You Wore Today

Okay, so I haven't done a journal entry in a while. The reason is because I've already done "What you wore today" and it was pretty boring, so I didn't want to do that again and I put it off. I considered changing it from "what you wore" to "what you dressed" and then dress everyone in my family, including my husband, but Will was a super champ and was already dressed and just finishing dressing the kids when I got home from the gym this morning. So I figure that's a good enough "awe cute!" story that I can be boring for the rest of this post.

Jeans (that' I've purchased within the year after having a baby, so we'll see how long they keep fitting) a teal patterned shirt with matching scarf under a gray cardigan. It was too warm to wear a winter coat today and I didn't want to hassle with a pull-over, so I wore a black suit jacket over the ensemble when we went out. And my black shoes with the weird soles. There you have it, folks.

If you don't know what this blog entry is about, here's the list. Check it out

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